I was lucky enough to pick up an old Reslo ribbon mic, like the ones you see in old Cavern Club pictures. I wanted to know...
Sometimes you think your mix sounds great one day, but then you listen to it a few days later and it sounds just awful. And...
I'm wanting to get a recording setup on my PC, but I don't want to spend a great deal of money. Ideally, I'd like a...
I am using an M-Audio Delta 1010LT to record a garage band. To capture my guitar, I run a line out of my guitar amp into...
I've always been amazed at how nice, powerful, and up-front Thom Yorke's vocals sound in Radiohead's song 'Exit Music (For...
I've had very limited success recording upright pianos. They almost always sound small and boxy compared to a concert grand...
I was told recently that EQ and filtering should be done after compression, because the compression colours the EQ...
I recently bought a patchbay from an auction of old gear cleared from BBC Pebble Mill. In the back of the patchbay, there...
I'm in a band and we want to start recording our live gigs and rehearsals to multitrack, but we don't know which way to go...
The crack team of Paul White and Hugh Robjohns have travelled the world solving readers' problems. Here, they down the Hob...
I came across your review of the Digidesign M Box 2 Pro (SOS November 2006 and on-line at...
I recently purchased some Sennheiser HD600 headphones and have been told that I'll need a good headphone amplifier to make...
I'm just about to get started on quite a big project in my new home studio. I'm a bit concerned about the acoustics of the...
I have a small home setup based around a Yamaha AW4416 multitracker and a Focusrite Penta compressor. Usually, I just...
I realise that it's almost impossible to name a specific model for the job, but could you tell me what type of microphone I...
I have just started playing mandolin in a live band, and we're currently touring the UK. However, although my mandolin is...
Why were all the monitors pictured in your Tori Amos article, upside down? Am I missing something?
I notice that in a lot of commercial music the vocal is quite thin, with not a lot of bass to it. When I'm recording, I...
I'm taking the leap into recording drums. I already have a basic drum mic kit, but I want to get some professional mics to...
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