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Signal Processors

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    Q. Are all convolution reverb plug-ins created equal?

    Are all convolution reverbs the same? I'm looking to get a decent reverb for my Pro Tools rig, and there seems to be lots...

    Sound Advice Jun 2006
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    Liquid Channel offers AES digital in/out on XLRs.

    Q. Can I connect an AES output to an S/PDIF input?

    I own a Focusrite Liquid Channel (which is great!) and would like to connect it to my MOTU 828's digital input...

    Sound Advice Nov 2005
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    Q. What is that 'robot voice' effect?

    In the recent TV ad campaign for Marks & Spencer, they use the Electric Light Orchestra track 'Mr Blue Sky'. There's a distinctive robotic vocal sound in it that I am curious about. How was it made?

    Sound Advice Nov 2005
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    Preparing Your Music For Mastering: Part 2

    Mastering: How The Pros Do It

    Last month we discussed how to prepare mixes so that they are ready for the mastering engineer. This month, we look inside the mastering room during the processing of an album, to see what kind of equipment is used, and the sort of processes that are applied to finish the tracks to the required standard.

    Techniques Oct 2005
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    AUPitch: Better Pitch-shifting?

    Logic Tips & Techniques

    The new Tiger AUPitch plug-in promises better pitch-shifting performance, but does it deliver in practice?

    Techniques Oct 2005
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    Q. Can I use a Mono compressor for Stereo compression?

    I was wondering if it's possible to use a single mono compressor that can be stereo linked (the Focusrite ISA430, for...

    Sound Advice May 2005
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    Convolution Processing With Impulse Responses

    How It Works

    Although convolution is often associated with high-end reverb processing, this technology makes many other new sounds available to you once you understand how it works.

    Techniques Apr 2005
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    Q. What's the difference between filtering and EQ?

    Is there any fundamental difference between filtering and EQ? The filtering I'm particularly interested in is linear-phase...

    Sound Advice Jan 2005
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    Q. How do I perform a SysEx dump from my Korg Kaoss Pad?

    Is there any way of doing a SysEx dump of the program memories of my Korg Kaoss Pad into Logic on my Mac?

    Sound Advice Dec 2004
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    Q. How do I compress a stereo source?

    I am recording using a spaced-pair miking setup and I want to apply light compression to the signal. Where in the signal chain should I insert the compressor (pre- or post-fade), and will I have to buy a dedicated stereo compressor to do the job properly?

    Sound Advice Oct 2004
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    Q. In what order should I compress and EQ?

    When using a compressor and an EQ as insert effects on a snare drum, is it better to use compression followed by EQ or EQ first then compression?

    Sound Advice Sep 2004
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    Q. What are the clicks spoiling my digital recordings?

    I record guitar using a Line 6 Pod Pro going into a Roland VMC7200 mixing desk via S/PDIF. While the guitar is plugged in, every so often a little audio spike comes through the monitors. Can you tell me what this noise could be and how to stop it?

    Sound Advice Jun 2004
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    Using Hardware Effects With Your PC Software Studio

    PC Musician

    Do you use a software studio with plug-in effects but crave the effects quality that your favourite hardware processor used to provide? Well, you can have the best of both worlds... as this article explains.

    Techniques Mar 2004
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    Q. How does a compressor work?

    Could you explain (slowly!) the basic principles of how a compressor works, and what each control does, the ratio control in particular?

    Sound Advice Mar 2004
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    Q. What does a compressor's sidechain do?

    I have a compressor with inserts to access the side-chain. What is the side-chain and what would you use these inserts for?

    Sound Advice Jan 2004
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    Q. How can I set up my Korg Kaoss Pad to act as a pitch-bender?

    Can you please tell me how to set up the Korg Kaoss Pad KP2 as an ordinary pitch-bender?

    Sound Advice Dec 2003
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    Q. Can I flatten out my finished tracks using a hardware compressor?

    In my hardware-based setup, with my TC electronics Triple*C compressor, is it possible to do the kind of limiting on a full mix where you end up with a waveform that is levelled off at the top and bottom, 'brick wall'-style?

    Sound Advice Dec 2003
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    Q. What's the difference between a talk box and a vocoder?

    I've heard various 'talking instrument' effects which some people attribute to a processor called a vocoder, while others describe it as a 'talk box'. Are these the same devices?

    Sound Advice Oct 2003
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    Using Your Plug-in Delay Effects

    Sequencer Delay Masterclass

    Although delay can be one of the most simple studio effects, software delay plug-ins often provide a bewildering array of options. So we take a look at what all the sliders and switches do, and provide advice on how best to use them.

    Techniques Jul 2003
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    Using Your Sequencer's Reverb Processors


    Reverb is vital for most types of modern music production, so it's no surprise to find that many sequencers provide a variety of reverb plug-ins. But what do all those different parameters do?

    Techniques Jun 2003
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    Q & A

    Your Questions Answered

    What advantages are there to variable input impedance? • How can I extract loops from audio sample CDs? • Can I use the True Tape option in Cubase to prevent clipping? • Should I use S/PDIF or AES for long cable runs? • Can you have too much low-frequency absorption? • What's the best way to use the multiple filters on my soft synth?

    Sound Advice Jun 2003


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