Q. How can I bypass an External FX plug-in in Cubase?
I’ve not found a way of bypassing an external effect (Boss DD-500) by using automation in Cubase 8.5 Pro. I didn’t want the...
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I’ve not found a way of bypassing an external effect (Boss DD-500) by using automation in Cubase 8.5 Pro. I didn’t want the...
Compressing dynamic vocal parts can be tricky with one compressor — so why not try using two?
Looking for a new synth? Check out Cubase’s latest bundled one first!
When it comes to mixing bass, sometimes more is more, and Cubase has all the tools you need...
Steinberg’s latest pair of audio interfaces — the UR-RT2 and UR-RT4 — are the result of a collaboration...
Can Cubase’s Groove Agent SE4 take care of all your virtual drummer needs?
If you like to explore different versions of a song (or just have difficulty making your mind up!) Cubase’s Track Versions have a lot to offer.
Manage effects and processors more efficiently in Cubase’s MixConsole.
Cubase’s MixConsole has all sorts of handy features to help you establish an efficient mix workflow.
Cubase’s audio transpose features open up some interesting creative possibilities.
Steinberg have today launched Cubase 9.5, which puts a clear emphasis on user-requested features and...
Vocal perfection means timing correction — and Cubase’s AudioWarp gives you the tools you need.
With only the most basic of keyboard skills, you can use Cubase to play convincing piano parts in real time.
Want to convert your multi-channel instruments into audio? Here’s how to do it in Cubase.
Why do musicians see value in the music they write but not the software they use to write it?
Live loop triggering may not be Cubase’s raison d’être, but it can be done...
Cubase’s natural home may be the recording studio, but you can also use it for on-stage improvisation.
Cubase 9 Pro’s Frequency EQ plug-in can do everything from gentle tone shaping to delicate mid-sides surgery.
Cubase 9 makes side-chain audio inputs possible for VST 3 instruments, the first being Retrologue 2.
Amongst Cubase 9’s new features is a whole new track type dedicated to quick and easy sampling.