Ableton Quick Start
Moving to Live from another DAW? We've got you covered...
Moving to Live from another DAW? We've got you covered...
Max For Live's versatile MIDI CC devices open up a world of creative control.
Reason version 11.2 now lets you drag MIDI clips into Live from three of Reason's MIDI-based devices: the Redrum drum machine, the Matrix step sequencer and the Dr Octo Rex Rex-file player.
We look at two Max For Live devices that bring your step sequencing to life.
We look at how you can use MIDI velocity to manipulate Live and route notes to different instruments.
We show you how to work with irregular tempos and rhythms in Live.
We show you how to get Live playing nicely with Reason 11.
We explore the wealth of third-party chord generators available for Live.
We look at a different approach for creating rhythms in Live.
We get avant–garde with some seriously experimental ways to use synthesis, sampling and effects to 'prepare' any instrument by altering its sound note-by-note.