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    Korg MS Series


    Korg’s MS range contains some bona fide classics — and is much more extensive than you might imagine...

    Music Business May 2024
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    President and co-founder of Arturia, Frédéric Brun

    Arturia 25 Years Of Software Synthesis | Podcast

    The Journey Continues

    Arturia's, Frédéric Brun, talks about the company's eventful history, taking in highlights such as the innovative MiniBrute, the epic PolyBrute and the company's first stage keyboard, the new AstroLab.

    Music Business May 2024
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    Sub-£200 Function Generators

    Sub-£200 Function Generators

    Modular Round‑up

    Here are some of our favourite function generators that will capably augment your patches, all weighing in at well under £200.

    Sound Advice Jun 2023
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    Paul White

    A History Of Guitar Synths | Podcast

    Evolution of the guitar synthesizer

    Paul White takes us through the history and evolution of guitar synths, from early attempts at creating onboard sounds and audio-to-MIDI pickups, through to using pedals and plug-ins to emulate synth effects.

    Sound Advice Apr 2023
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    Chris Calcutt Novation

    Novation - 30th Anniversary | Podcast

    Grooveboxes, Controllers and Synths

    This year marks the 30th birthday of one of the world’s leading manufacturers of synths, samplers and hardware controllers. In this podcast, Novation Product Specialist Chris Calcutt looks back over three decades of innovation.

    Music Business Dec 2022
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    MIDI For The Hardware Studio

    The Universal Language

    MIDI is the universal language of the studio — and if you use hardware instruments, you need to understand it!

    Sound Advice Nov 2022
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    Q. How can I use MIDI to specify the way in which one note glides to another?

    Is there a way to specify, to a DAW such as Pro Tools, how a note will glide to another note and over what duration of time?

    Sound Advice Oct 2022
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    Arturia President Frédéric Brun

    Arturia - 20 Years Of Software & Hardware | Podcast

    Behind The Brand

    Arturia President Frédéric Brun looks back over the French company's 20-year history from their Storm software to PolyBrute.

    Music Business Nov 2020
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    Getting Started With Modular

    Seminar at SynthFest UK 2019

    Filmed at SynthFest UK 2019. Everything you always wanted to know about building a Eurorack Modular but were too afraid to...

    Sound Advice Nov 2019
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    Softube: Modelling Hardware In Software

    Oscar Öberg, Arvid Rosén & Niklas Odelholm

    Ever wondered how plug-in companies recreate classic outboard gear in your DAW? We take a peek into Softube's modelling lab to find out.

    Music Business Jun 2019
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    Q. What’s a modern equivalent to the Quasimidi Polymorph?

    I'm an ambient musician looking for an addition to my synth collection. I'm interested in the Quasimidi Polymorph, yet they...

    Sound Advice Jul 2013
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    Q. How can I get more effective synth bass in my mixes?

    I'm having trouble with a synth bass sound I've been using in a song. It sounds impressive on its own, but isn't working so...

    Sound Advice Jan 2007
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    Q. How do I re-create the sound of those old string synths?

    I am trying to re-create the sound of old string synths like the ARP Solina or Elka Rhapsody on my Novation K-Station but I...

    Sound Advice Mar 2006
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    Q. Can you explain the origins of wavetable, S&S and vector synthesis?

    I keep reading about different types of synthesis like 'wavetable', 'S&S' and 'vector' but I don't know what they are....

    Sound Advice Feb 2006
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    Q. Should I buy a vintage analogue synth or a modern modelling synth?

    I want to buy a 'knobby' synth because I am fed up of setting up sounds with a data wheel. I also want a very analogue sound...

    Sound Advice May 2005
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    Q. How do I transfer SysEx files to my Korg Wavestation synth?

    I bought some CDs of new sound banks for my Korg Wavestation off eBay recently, only to find that most of them are in System Exclusive (SysEx) format rather than MIDI files. I have loaded sounds into my synths from MIDI files before using Cubase, but I don't know how to do it with a SysEx file. Can you help?

    Sound Advice Sep 2004
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    Q. How do I get more polyphony from Roland D-series synths?

    I'm considering buying a second-hand Roland D-series workstation to get those classic D50-type sounds. I recently borrowed an old D-series synth from a friend and was using it in multitimbral mode, hooked up to my computer sequencer, but I  experienced some problems with the sounds, so I'd like to get your advice before I shell out any cash.

    Sound Advice Apr 2004
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    Q. How can I use the drum sounds on my Novation KS4 synth?

    I have just purchased the new Novation KS4 keyboard and want to have a complete drum kit playing in performance mode but there's nothing in the manual explaining how to do this! Can you program full kits to sound like the keyboard demo or must you use an external sequencer?

    Sound Advice Feb 2004
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    Q. How do I make the JV1080's patch names come up in Logic?

    I'm having trouble getting my Roland JV1080 to work well with Emagic Logic Audio. When I change MIDI channel in Logic the sound disappears, or I can't get the sounds that I want to stay put. How can I get Logic and the JV to synchronise?

    Sound Advice Dec 2003
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    Q. What exactly is a modular synth?

    I thought I knew what a modular synth was from my days in the Moog lab at school, but now all kinds of software synths...

    Sound Advice Apr 2003
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    EMS Synthi 100.

    All About EMS: Part 2


    In the final part of our two-part Retrozone, Gordon Reid charts EMS's further achievements, the reasons for their decline in...

    Music Business Dec 2000


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