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A DAW (Digital Audio Workstation) is a software program that allows users to record, edit, and produce audio files. It is used in many different settings, including music production, sound design, game audio, film and TV post-production, and podcasting.

Main Functions of a DAW

The main functions of modern-day Digital Audio Workstation software include:

Recording: DAWs allow users to record audio from a variety of sources, such as microphones, instruments, and MIDI controllers.

Editing: DAWs allow users to edit audio files by cutting, copying, pasting, and rearranging sections of audio. They also offer a variety of tools for cleaning up and enhancing audio, such as noise reduction, EQ, and compression.

Mixing: DAWs allow users to mix multiple audio tracks together, adjusting levels, panning, and applying effects to create a cohesive final product.

Mastering: DAWs offer tools and features for mastering audio, such as loudness normalization and EQ adjustments to ensure that the final audio product meets industry standards.

Main Benefits of using a DAW

Some of the main benefits of using a DAW include:

  • Efficiency: DAWs allow users to quickly and easily record, edit, and produce audio, saving time and effort compared to traditional analog methods.
  • Flexibility: DAWs offer a wide range of tools and features that allow users to customize their audio production process and achieve the desired results.
  • Collaboration: Many DAWs offer features that allow users to collaborate together and work on projects remotely, making it easier to work with others on audio projects like podcasts and song ideation.
  • Portability: DAWs can be used on a variety of devices, including computers, laptops, and tablets, making it easier to work on audio projects from anywhere.

There are many popular software DAWs, some of which come built into the Operating System of your favourite computer, such as Apple GarageBand on Macs. Sound On Sound regularly covers all the top brands in its monthly DAW Masterclasses. From Steinberg Cubase and Avid Pro Tools, PreSonus Studio One and Apple Logic Pro, MOTU Digital Performer to Ableton Live, Reason Studios Reason and Cockos Reaper, you'll find how-to techniques and tips for all of these and other DAWs collected under the sections shown above.

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    Building Combinator Effects In Reason 3

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Reason's Combinator device isn't all about creating new sound sources and storing live setups — it also provides the means to build new and imaginative effects units.

    Techniques Jul 2005
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    Audio Input For Reason

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    With some clever programming, an Italian software house have created a program that claims to add an audio input to Reason. We take a sneak peek, as well as bringing you essential Reason news and quick tips.

    Techniques Jun 2005
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    Building Combinator Patches in Reason 3

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    The most exciting addition to the new version of Reason is arguably the Combinator device, which greatly expands the flexibility and programming potential of everything in the Reason rack. We guide you through the creation of a Combinator patch to get you started with this great new device.

    Techniques Jun 2005
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    Reason: New Refills & Tips

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    This month: new Refills and tweaking techniques for Reason v3, plus the usual haul of time-saving tips.

    Techniques May 2005
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    Propellerhead Reason v3

    Virtual Electronic Studio [Mac OS X/PC]

    Astonishingly, Reason is now over four years old! Version 3 adds performance-enhancing features and mastering facilities, losing only Mac OS 9 support on the way. We bring you the first UK review of the full release version.

    Reviews May 2005
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    Reason: Getting More Out Of V2.5

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    We've got a lot to look forward to with the imminent release of Reason v3, but there's still a world of exploration available in v2.5 — so don't stop creating while you're waiting.

    Techniques Apr 2005
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    Reason: RV7000 Advanced Reverb

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    This month we present a closer look at the RV7000 Advanced Reverb, plus a handful of effect-related hints and tips.

    Techniques Mar 2005
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    Reasons To Be Cheerful: v3

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Version 3 of Reason is officially on the way, adding some high-spec new devices and improved operational features.

    Techniques Feb 2005
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    Reason: Arpeggiators & Cool Techniques

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    There are more clever tips and techniques than you can shake a stick at in this month's Reason Notes, kicking off with yet another fun way to fake an arpeggiator effect...

    Techniques Jan 2005
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    Reason: Substituting Sounds In REX Loops

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Ever loved the feel of a REX loop but disliked the drum sounds? Using Reason, you can steal the feel and substitute sounds of your choice... We show you how.

    Techniques Dec 2004
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    Reason: Alternatives To 4/4 Time

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Reason seems firmly fixed in a 4/4 time signature — but clever use of the Redrum and Matrix pattern-based devices allows you to explore more unusual signatures. Here we explain how, as well as bringing you the essential news and tips.

    Techniques Nov 2004
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    Reason: Using Mackie Tracktion Sequencer As A Rewire Host

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    Mackie's Tracktion sequencer makes an ideal budget Rewire host for adding audio recording and plug-in capabilities to your Reason setup, as we explain...

    Techniques Oct 2004
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    Instant Track Creation In Reason

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    We explore an advanced technique for creating 'instant' tracks using Propellerhead's Reason software.

    Techniques Sep 2004
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    More Reason To Be Cheerful

    Reason Tips & Techniques

    A new Refill is reviewed and ways around some common Reason problems are offered.

    Techniques Aug 2004
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    Reason Notes Starts Here!

    Monthly Column For Propellerhead Reason Users

    SOS's 2003 Reader Survey told us that you want our help in getting the best from this popular package — and we're happy to oblige with a new monthly column.

    Techniques Jul 2004
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    Propellerhead Reason v2.5

    Virtual Studio [Mac & PC]

    The success story that is the Reason software studio continues to unfold with the release of v2.5, which adds a slew of sophisticated effects and processing devices — all free to registered users.

    Reviews Dec 2003
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    Q. Can I make my computer perform better with Reason?

    I have an oldish Mac with only 128MB of RAM, and would like to know how I can squeeze the most out of it with Propellerhead's Reason.

    Sound Advice Oct 2003
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    Ernst Nathorst-Böös

    Propellerhead Software

    Propellerhead, makers of the unique Reason software studio, have come from nowhere to award-winning developer status in just eight years. We catch up with one of the key men behind this small but influential Swedish company.

    People Jan 2003
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    Using Reason: Part 2

    Making The Most Of Reason

    In the second half of this two-part series, we pass on tips that make sequencer use easier, explain device layering, and add some hints for the new devices added to Reason in the v2 update.

    Techniques Dec 2002
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    Using Reason: Part 1

    Making The Most Of Reason

    Propellerhead Software's flexible studio package can take you in all kinds of new creative directions if you know how to get the best out of it. Let us be your guide...

    Techniques Nov 2002


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