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Theory / Technical

Displaying 1 - 13 of 13 items
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    Tokyo Dawn Labs Simulathe Ref virtual vinyl mastering disk cutting lathe educational plug-in

    Simulathe Ref by Tokyo Dawn Labs

    Offers educational insight into vinyl cutting process

    The Simulathe Ref plug-in features a virtual cutting lathe, and aims to provide audio engineers with an insight into the process of producing vinyl discs.

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    GPU Audio Apple support DSP audio processing on graphics card

    GPU Audio announce Mac support

    Innovative technology now available to Apple users

    GPU Audio have announced that Mac users are now able to access their FIR Convolution Reverb, which utilises a system's GPU to carry out audio plug-in processing.

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    Routledge free online audio engineering recording mixing sampling DJ performance techniques book e-book offer

    Routledge audio engineering books offer

    Free online access to four titles

    Routledge are offering free online access to a bundle of four books covering acoustics, recording, sampling, and mixing until the end of January 2023.

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    Micpedia website rebranded microphone technical physical information database compare research

    Micpedia website launched

    Popular Microphone Data website rebranded

    Micpedia is a free to use online database that has been built using technical information previously available on the popular Microphone Data website.

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    Recording Secrets for the Small Studio second edition home project studio advice techniques book

    Recording Secrets book updated

    Content updated and new sections introduced

    Focal Press have published an updated and expanded second edition of Mike Senior's best‑selling Recording Secrets For The Small Studio, which contains new sections on contact mics, software instruments, squash mics, and ensemble depth distortion.

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    Audio Precision APx500 Measurement Software Version 8.0 test gear analyser update

    Audio Precision update APx500 software

    Test times reduced by up to 40%

    Audio Precision have released the latest version of their APx500 Measurement Software, introducing some new features and time-saving performance optimisations.

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    Sennheiser Neumann immersive virtual reality orchestra recording KM 184 MKH 8040 800 MCM

    Sennheiser and Neumann immersive recording project

    Virtual reality orchestral recording

    Sennheiser and Neumann have taken part in a immersive audio recording, capturing the Mahler Chamber Orchestra with the aim of creating a virtual reality listening experience. 

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    Music Theory Cheat Sheet chords scales intervals circle of fifths online lessons training

    Music Theory Cheat Sheet

    Interactive online guide to music theory

    The Music Theory Cheat Sheet created by musician and producer Sébastien Noël offers an interactive way to study keys, scales, modes, notes, chords, and intervals. 

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    Sound Particles eBook translated into 4 new languages

    Sound Particles eBook translated into four new languages

    Immersive Audio eBook now in French, German, Korean and Spanish

    “All You Need To Know About 3D Audio” eBook is now available for free in French, German, Korean and Spanish translations.

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    DDMF Plugindoctor plug-in analysis tool

    Plugindoctor v2 from DDMF

    Analysis software now available as a plug-in

    DDMF have released Plugindoctor v2, making their useful plug-in analysis tool available as a plug-in as well as a standalone application. 

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    Imperative Audio PVB

    Imperative Audio Portable Vocal Booth test

    Video shows the results on a close-miked vocal

    Imperative Audio have carried out a test of their Portable Vocal Booth at St Albans Cathedral.

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    Zipper Noise FREQUIA Technical Ear Training

    Zipper Noise FREQUIA Technical Ear Training

    Adaptive, personalised ear training for audio engineers

    Zipper Noise release FREQUIA, which they claim to be the world's most advanced technical ear training program.

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    Epidemic Sounds EAR search tool

    Epidemic Sound announce EAR - AI search tool

    New search tool uses machine learning to suggest music

    Epidemic Audio Reference is a new AI search tool running on Google Cloud that analyses user-selected sections of tracks and then provides similar musical suggestions.

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