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Computer / Software

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    Apple iMac


    Apple have dramatically revamped the iMac — and have made it a tempting choice for the studio.

    Reviews Mar 2013
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    A studio in the palm of your hand. For music and audio apps, the iPad Mini offers roughly the same performances as the third-generation iPad, but in a lighter, more slender and cheaper package.

    App Works

    Making Music On The Move

    This month we look at the new iPad Mini, Microsoft Surface and Borderlands Granular Synth app.

    Reviews Jan 2013
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    Chillblast Artiste Mozart

    Audio Computer

    Mainstream PC builders Chillblast have made an impressive debut in the music computer market.

    Reviews Oct 2012
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    Scan 3XS Intel SAX6 PowerDAW PC

    Music Computer

    Scan’s new hex-core machine offers huge amounts of processing power and RAM. Is it the perfect studio PC?

    Reviews Aug 2012
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    Rain Recording Event Muse

    Silent PC For Music Recording

    If you want a computer that’s completely silent, yet portable and powerful enough for location recording, look no further.

    Reviews Jul 2012
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    Inta Audio i7 Ultimate Music PC

    Studio Computer

    Does this luxuriously specified audio PC justify its premium price tag?

    Reviews Mar 2012
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    World’s Smallest PC WS645F

    Fanless PC

    It’s not the cheapest PC around and it’s not the most powerful, but this machine might just help you make better recordings.

    Reviews Jan 2012
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    Using Apple’s iOS Devices For Music

    Power Pads

    Apple revolutionised music‑making with the Macintosh computer, and now their tablet devices are poised to do the same. We offer the first in‑depth exploration of the potential of iOS devices for music.

    Reviews Jun 2011
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    Apple MacBook Air

    Laptop Computer

    If you were to cross a MacBook with an iPad, would the offspring provide the mobile musician with a powerful convenience or a crippled luxury?

    Reviews Jan 2011
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    Scan 3XS Performance

    Laptop Computer

    Scans new laptop is as powerful as many desktop computers and aims to eliminate the unreliability so often characteristic of off-the-peg machines.

    Reviews Oct 2010
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    Carillon AC1 Core 4XT

    Audio PC

    The Carillon PC is back, but how does it measure up in the modern computer market?

    Reviews Jul 2010
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    Direct Resolution DARC Ultimate LE

    Audio PC

    Direct Resolutions Ultimate LE range is all about power — cold, hard (and very quiet) power.

    Reviews Mar 2010
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    Inta Audio i5 Pro Music PC

    Music Computer

    Inta Audios i5 system offers high performance and very low acoustic noise levels at a competitive price.

    Reviews Dec 2009
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    Rain Recording Solstice PC

    Music Computer

    You might expect a specialist audio PC to come with an intimidating price tag, but — as the Rain Recording Solstice range proves — that need not be the case...

    Reviews Oct 2009
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    Scan Power DAW PC

    Music Computer

    Need more PC power? Then meet the latest offering from Scan — and the fastest PC reviewed in SOS to date.

    Reviews Feb 2009
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    Synergy Audio PC

    Music Computer

    Digital Village enjoy an established reputation for their custom music PCs, and are clearly looking to build upon that with their new Synergy range...

    Reviews Dec 2008
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    GForce Virtual String Machine

    Sample Library [Mac/PC]

    Long considered to be terminally un-hip, string machines are on the brink of a revival. Will Gforce's VSM advance their rehabilitation?

    Reviews May 2008
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    Direct Resolution Studio Plus

    Audio PC

    The Direct Resolution Studio Plus is a high-performance, low-noise audio PC that enjoys a cheaper price tag than many of its competitors. Interested? Read on...

    Reviews Dec 2007
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    Apple Macbook Pro

    17-inch Laptop Computer

    Apple's 17-inch Macbook Pro has both attracted and put off potential purchasers because of its size. But, with a new higher-resolution display and the latest mobile technology, is it now a must for those seeking the best in laptop performance?

    Reviews Sep 2007
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    Rain Recording Nimbus PC

    Quad Core Music Computer

    This Rain Recording model is the fastest PC ever reviewed in SOS, and also one of the quietest. Let's take a closer look...

    Reviews Jul 2007
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    Carillon TI Plus PC

    Music Computer

    Carillon's new TI series sees them incorporating affordable, no-nonsense music PCs into their familiar rackmount cases.

    Reviews Dec 2006


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