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    Tempo Maps For Pre-Recorded Audio

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Sometimes the click can steal the life from a session, so why not start with a live performance?

    Techniques Oct 2005
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    Q. Should I opt for Cubase SX or Samplitude on my PC?

    I've been using a Roland VS1680 for about six years now, but I'm looking to upgrade to a PC setup...

    Sound Advice Oct 2005
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    Cubase Preferences

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Preferences could be the key to more predictable behaviour and smoother operation — for Cubase, at least!

    Techniques Sep 2005
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    Using The Built-In EQ In Cubase SX/SL

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Although there are many third-party equaliser plug-ins available, the EQ built into Cubase SX and SL is both functional and convenient, and has the unique advantage of being closely integrated with the Mixer, Inspector and Channel Settings windows.

    Techniques Sep 2005
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    Q. How can I use side-chains in Steinberg Cubase SX?

    In Cubase SX, can signals be 'routed' to a compressor's side-chain to modulate another signal?

    Sound Advice Sep 2005
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    Cubase SX/SL 3.1

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    We investigate the major and minor new features on offer in Cubase SX/SL 3.1.

    Techniques Aug 2005
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    Replacing Drums In Cubase SX

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    You've recorded a real drummer, but the drum sound just doesn't cut it. Is there anything you can do to rescue things?

    Techniques Aug 2005
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    Automating Tasks In Cubase

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    We investigate an interesting script for exporting audio and look at the various options for automating tedious tasks in Cubase.

    Techniques Jul 2005
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    Customising The Workspace In Cubase SX

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    When you come over all creative or are facing a tight deadline, a lean, mean music-recording machine is a definite advantage. The tools for customising the Cubase SX work environment may not sound very sexy, but they can certainly help your workflow.

    Techniques Jul 2005
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    DSD Support In Cubase?

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    We look at the possibility of DSD higher-quality audio support in Cubase, a plug-in to help you write ringtones for Nokia phones, and a new patch for Windows users of Cubase SX/SL 3.02.

    Techniques Jun 2005
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    Understanding Audio Files In Cubase

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    We take a look at the concepts of audio files, clips, events, parts and regions in Cubase, and explain how you can manage these objects in the Pool window.

    Techniques Jun 2005
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    Cubase: Folder Tracks & Folder Parts

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Steinberg originally introduced the concept of Folder tracks in Cubase VST, as a way of organising the track list in the Arrange window. This month we look at how this feature became even more powerful in Cubase SX, and how to make the most of it.

    Techniques May 2005
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    Cubase: Using Non-Real-time Processing

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    While processing 100s of channels with effects in real time has increasingly become the norm for most of us, there are still occasions when not processing audio in real time can be useful. We look at how to achieve this in Cubase SX.

    Techniques Apr 2005
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    Creating Cubase Device Panels

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Device Panels were introduced in Cubase SX 3 to enable the creation of on-screen interfaces for controlling MIDI devices. Here we look at how you can create one to control plug-ins.

    Techniques Mar 2005
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    Multi-Channel Projects In Cubase

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Returning to Steinberg Cubase's Mixer window again, we explore ways to make it more manageable when working with Projects that contain a large number of channels.

    Techniques Feb 2005
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    Cubase: Real-Time MIDI Effects vs Audio FX

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    Cubase SX has a wide selection of real-time MIDI effects that can often substitute for the more processor-hungry audio effects, as well as opening up other creative possibilities.

    Techniques Jan 2005
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    Cubase Mixer Controls

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    We take a look behind the behaviour of Cubase's most common mixing controls, to show the many options beneath the seemingly simple surface.

    Techniques Dec 2004
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    Cubase: SX Embracer, Tonic & Monologue Plug-ins

    Cubase Tips & Techniques

    We take a closer look at the Embracer, Tonic and Monologue plug-ins that come supplied with Cubase SX.

    Techniques Nov 2004
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    Steinberg Cubase SX 3

    MIDI + Audio Sequencer [PC & Mac OS X]

    Cubase SX 3 is the latest incarnation of one of the best-known brands in sequencing software, offering many new features and tying up the loose ends from previous generations of Cubase. But with increased competition, most notably from Apple and Cakewalk, can Steinberg maintain their cross-platform advantage?

    Reviews Nov 2004
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    Cubase SX3 Preview; Range Selection

    Steinberg Cubase Tips & Techniques

    This month we provide an exclusive preview of the new version of Cubase — SX 3 — and offer advice on how to get the most out of Cubase's Range Selection tool.

    Techniques Oct 2004
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    Q. Why does it take so long to freeze a VST Instrument track?

    I use Cubase SX 2 and find the Freeze function for VST Instrument tracks very useful. I was disappointed to note that it can take six or seven minutes to freeze a VST track. Why is this, when it only takes one to two minutes to export an entire composition as a WAV file?

    Sound Advice Oct 2004


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